set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "116"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #30:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ LOBSTER COCKTAIL Shred the lettuce finely, arrange in the bottoms of six bowls. Take the lobsters out of their shells without breaking them. Take out all the edible parts. Dice the tails. Divide up the flesh in the bowls. Make the sauce with 2/3 ketchup, 1/3 cream and a few drops of Tabasco. Put 2 or 2 tablespoons of this sauce into each bowl. Serve chilled but not very cold. This economical way of serving lobster is a success. The lobster can be replaced with fresh or canned crab, and the bowl can be enriched with quarters of hard-boiled eggs. @ 2 cooked lobsters weighing 1Ê1/2 lbs each 2/3 cup cream 1 lettuce ketchup, Tabasco @ 30 mn @ @ @ @ Fish @ @ CrŽmant d'Alsace @